
The Introduction to Self Employment Course provides students with an introductory knowledge and understanding of self-employment and requirements for success. The course is designed for students wishing to consider self-employment or further study in the area of self-employment and provides progression routes. No prior knowledge is required. WHRDE Vocational Education Council offers vocational training courses under Youth Skill Development Programme (YSDP), established under article. 29 & 30(1) Constitution of India and Incorporated under the legislation of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

The programme covers a range of self employment courses under below mentioned sector/industry:

1) Agriculture and Allied Technology, 2) Advertising and Media Industry, 3) Automobile Sector, 4)Aviation Sector, 5) Art, Drawing and Painting, 6) Beauty Culture and Spa, 7) Building and Construction Technology, 8) Computer and Information Technology, 9) Cookery, Bakery, Confectionary and Food Processing, 10)Cottage Industry, 11) Cutting, Tailoring, Dress Making and Fashion Designing, 12) Chemical Industry, 13)Electrical and Electronics Sector, 14) Fire and Safety Sector, 15) Fishery Science Sector, 16) Footwear Technology, 17) Gold Appraiser, 18) Handicrafts Sector, 19) Health and Paramedical Sector, 20)Hospitality Sector, 21)Leather Industry, 22) Logistics And Shipping Management Sector, 23) NGO Management 24) Printing Technology, 25) Plastic Industry, 26) Photography Industry, 27) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector, 28) Secretarial Practice Sector, 29) Textile Technology Sector, 30) Teacher Training Sector, 31) Veterinary Sector, 32) Yoga Sector.

Our Scope

We provide students a thorough training that will allow them to build up a professional career in their field of interest.   

  • Institution-based skill development including all Vocational Training. 
    • Formal and informal apprenticeships and other types of training enterprises. 
    • Training for self employment/entrepreneurial development. 
    • Adult learning, retraining of retired or retiring employees and lifelong learning 
    • Non-formal training including training by civic society organizations. 
Authorities of WHRDE
  • Board of Management            
    • Advisory Board            
    • Executive Council            
    • Academic Council            
    • Examination Council            
Board of Management

The Board of Management of the WHRDE is the Principal Executive Body of the Institution. The Board of Management has the power of management and administration of the Institution and the conduct of all affairs of the Institution not otherwise provided for fulfillment of the objects of the Institution to make it an Institution of excellence for promoting skill based programmes in the field of Vocational training.  

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board consists of renowned academicians and field functionaries in Vocational Training in India and abroad to give their expert advise on academic policies and programmes of the WHRDE for maintaining high standards of quality training, keeping in view the emerging trends and technologies world over and to advice on measures to ensure effective dissemination of the information related to training.   

Executive Council

Executive Council is the principal Council of the Institution to monitor & control the executive functions of the Institution. This Council assists the Board of Management in the discharge of many of its functions of Academic and Administrative nature to strengthen the Institution in all respects.

Academic Council

Academic Council exercises general supervision over the academic work of the Institution, methods of evaluation, research and improvement in academic standards. It lays down curriculum    & frame syllabi for various programmes offered by the Institution and promote research activities and programmes. It determines equivalence and improvement in academic standards of the Institution.

Examination Council

Examination Council is the highest body for the conduct of Examination. It lays down pre-examination, actual conduct of examination    & post examination processes of of Examinations. The Examination Council appoints Paper Setters, Moderators, Evaluators and also Result Committee. It functions under the overall control of the Board of Management. It takes all measures to maintain reliability, validity and credibility of the examinations conducted by the Institution.

Procedure For New Training Centers

The prospective Vocational Training Centre needs to apply to Central Board of WHRDE, New Delhi in prescribed application form, duly filled in all respect, accompanied along with photographs of the building proposed, Registration of Society, Map of the building, Infrastructure details, Faculty details and non-refundable processing fee by way of Demand Draft in favor of “WHRDE” payable at New Delhi.   

The fee and Sharing pattern is as follows:  

  • Affiliation Fee – Rs.30,000 /- (Non Refundable)      
    • Additional Course Fee – Rs.3,000 /- (Per Course , Non Refundable )      
    • Renewal Fee – Rs.5,000 /- (Per Two Years)      
    • AMT Name Change Fee – Rs.5,000/- (Non Refundable)      
    • AMT Location Shift Fee – Rs. 5,000/-(Non Refundable)      

Application for Affiliation

Kindly download the ‘Affiliation Approval Application’ form the below link.


contact us

For Admission
Mob: +91 9560584101
For Training Center
Mob: +91 833 00 13 909
Kerala & Karnataka
Mob: +91 9447 41 29 23

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