Vocational Education

About the Department and the Courses

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for Vocational Education to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education and training to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The Government is well aware of the important role of Vocational education and has already taken a number of important initiatives in this area. School-based vocational education in India is currently covered by a centrally sponsored scheme which was mooted in 1988 and was aimed at providing an alternative to the pursuit of higher academic education. One of the objectives of the Vocational Education Programme of WHRDE is to meet the need for skilled and middle-level manpower for the growing sectors of economy, both organized and unorganized. The range of Vocational Education courses has been expanding over the years depending upon needs of learners and market demands. The present Vocational Education courses of WHRDE are meant for both urban and rural sectors.

► Vocational – Departmental Advisory Committee

► Stand-Alone Courses

► Package Courses

► Six Months Courses

► One Year Courses

► Two Year Courses

►Three Year Courses

Related With Study Centres

Online Admission

☼ E-Accreditation

Approved Member centre


► Vocational Courses Prospectus.

Life Skills Programme

Today more than one-fifth i.e. about 22 core people of India are adolescents. Adolescents are young girls and boys in the age group of 10-19 years. They are the immediate future of our country and would be the leaders of tomorrow. Adolescence is the phase of opportunities and risks. Social environment greatly influences adolescent behavior. To create a nation of healthy and responsible citizens, it is crucial that the health and educational concerns of such young people are addressed seriously. Adolescents have Rights as well as Responsibilities. Gender considerations are fundamental and adolescent health is crucial for the family and future generations. A supportive and caring environment for adolescents will promote optimum development of their physical and intellectual capabilities.

► Many of the girls in India get married before the age of 18 years.

► The present sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years is 933 for 1000 boys (census 2001). This imbalance will adversely affect the subsequent adolescent sex ratio.

► Each year more females die than males, especially in the reproductive age group, due to high risk during pregnancy and childbirth.

► Incidence of unintended teenage pregnancies and abortions is alarmingly rising.

► Drug addiction in itself is a major problem. Many of the drug users are HIV positive and are below 20 years.

► Large number of addicts starts taking drugs during adolescence.

► Most of the HIV infected persons are between 20-40 years and had contracted the virus early in life indicating the importance of education during adolescence.

► Prevalence of sexual abuse of both boys and girls cuts across economic and social classes.

► Majority of girls and boys are not competent to understand the physical, emotional and sociological changes during adolescence.

ADOLESCENTS go through a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, characterized by rapid physical and physiological changes resulting in sexual, psychosocial and behavioral maturation.

► Adolescence is a very important phase in life – a crucial period of increased potential and vulnerability. Adolescents have the following concerns:

Understanding the process of growing up
  • How can we provide knowledge amongst adolescents to understand the changes in their body and mind?
  • How can we develop scientific attitude to remove myths and misconceptions?
Poor adolescent health
  • How can we bring about attitudinal change to ensure that nutritional needs of adolescents, especially girls are adequately met?
  • How can we sensitize an adolescent to the effect of AIDS on the collective health of society?
Poor adolescent health How can we bring about attitudinal change to ensure that nutritional needs of adolescents, especially girls are adequately met?

  • How can we sensitize an adolescent to the effect of AIDS on the collective health of society?
Delaying marriage
  • How can we ensure advocacy and promotion of girls’ education and stricter enforcement of legal age of marriage?
  • How can we enable adolescents to practice abstinence till marriage?
Avoiding adolescent pregnancy How can we empower adolescents to protect themselves from pregnancies and to enjoy the right to safety and security?
Acquiring information and education on sexual and reproductive health How can we equip adolescents with information, education and skills for behavior that is responsible towards self and others?
Accessing health services How can we promote assertive skills amongst the adolescents to seek health services to meet their needs?
Preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS
  • How can we empower adolescents to safeguard themselves against HIV infection?
  • How can we encourage adolescents to advocate for HIV prevention?
Resisting sexual exploitation and reporting gender based violence.
  • How can we convince adolescents that violence is not an accepted means of resolving conflicts?
  • How can we convince the young people that gender-based violence, especially in intimate and sexual relations is not acceptable?
  • How can we equip the victims to report and seek the help of support services?
Developing an identity
  • How can we provide adolescents the opportunities to dream and fulfill their aspirations?
  • How can we equip them with the critical skill of acquiring knowledge, values and vocational abilities?
Managing emotions
  • How can we make them comfortable in sharing their concerns and emotions with others?
  • How can we teach them coping skills to deal with emotions?
Building relationships How can we enable them to develop thinking skills to understand physical or emotional boundaries within relationships?
Resisting Peer Pressure
  • How can we build their negotiation skills to resist peer pressure?
  • How can we help adolescents to influence others to get involved in constructive action and positive behavior.
  • Sharp Memory
  • Value Based Personality
  • Presentation Skills
  • English Fluency
  • Message Based Group Dynamics
  • Mental Picturing active Thinking
CHANGES YOU IMAGE CHANGE YOU LIFE . . . Style & Fashion consultation

• Personal & Professional Consultation

• Hair

• Make Up


PROFESSIONAL DRESS CODE Wardrobe reflects the level of authority and seniority   .  Upgrade your visual resume. Better dressed professionals are perceived to be more capable, more intelligent and hence, are better paid. Dress according to your position. Dress for your clients. Clothing helps others identity who you are your educational background, your occupation and your social status. As a rule corporate attire depends on your industry, your organizational style and your position. You can make it.

• Enrich your expression

• Test our self


• Structure and Styles

• Word Power

• Test your self

• Word Power


contact us

For Admission
Mob: +91 9560584101
For Training Center
Mob: +91 833 00 13 909
Kerala & Karnataka
Mob: +91 9447 41 29 23

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