1.Technician membership examination program (TME). (Equal To Engineering Diploma Program )

2. Associate membership examination program (AME). ( Equal To BE / B Tech Engineering Program )

CIIE (Council for industries integrated engineers) is Governed by WHRDE, Incorporated & Regd under IET act & literary /scientific / SR.Act XXI/1860.Rules laid down by MHRD and AICTE . CIIE is an Autonomous Professional Education Institution, followed by MHRD-AICTE policy to conducts the various Bachelor and Diploma level examination in engineering twice a year for those, who for various reasons, could not fulfill their ambition to become Bachelor or Diploma Engineers but had to take up employment at lower level. They want to upgrade their educational qualification and improve their employment status. CIIE Institution is thus helping thousands of younger members of community working in engineering to obtain engineering qualification & also to advance their technical knowledge & enhance their engineering career but, who have been unfortunate in securing admission in regular Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges due to no fault of their through non formal system of education. Council for industries integrated engineers (CIIE) is a statutory body to promote and advance the engineering and technology, established in 2007 .Students need to pass A & B or Part -1 & Part-11 Exams ( as per mhrd notification dt: 24/11/2006 (F.23-2/2001-TS. III) Addressed to IME Mumbai. Council for industries integrated engineers is similar Institution. (Advt. No.P&AP/10(04)/2017 from AICTE ) . Students who take admission AME/TME of CIIE , should read and clearly understand all the rules & regulation before taking the membership for student examinations. Our Membership for AME/TME are totally autonomous. We hereby make it clear to one and all that the activities like misguiding students if any never be entertained. if any wrong guidance is done by any person / Student Chapter’s /Education Consultant. CIIE Institution is not responsible and we hereby advise to student contact their Coordinator.



What is A.M.E. ?

AMIE is a BE/B.Tech level examination in engineering. That means, those who pass AME examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education  just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. Council for industries integrated engineers (CIIE) ,the professional  body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AME.

AME-Who is eligible?

· Applicants with 3-year Polytechnic Diploma or its equivalent in any branch of engineering can apply for AME. Please note that there will be no marks restriction in the admission process.

· Any candidate who has done +2/HSC/PDC with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as main subject with minimum 45% marks, can appear for this exam.

· Also, Candidates with any educational qualifications equivalent to the above, are eligible to apply for AME.

Several Branches are Available

The syllabus of AME is similar to B.E/B.Tech. The AME syllabus has two parts:- Section A and Section B (similar to First year,Second year etc. of any formal degree course). Those who join for AME should first study and clear all subjects in Section A. Based on one’s qualification, the total number of subjects in Section A varies. After passing Section A, he should study Section B. The total number of subjects in Section B is 9.In Section A we study subjects which are fundamental to engineering. In section B, we make specialized study in our chosen branch of engineering. When a student clears all subjects in both sections A and B. he is said to have passed A.M.E examination and becomes a qualified graduate engineer.

Section B is the second part of AME examination. Those who successfully cleared all subjects in Section A can apply for Section B registration. They can submit the application for section B registration immediately after their Section A result published.  In section B a student studies his chosen subject in detail. Hence he can select his choice branch of engineering.


The duration of AME is flexible. For completing Section A and B, maximum time allowed is six years each. (So total 12 years). Though this is the maximum allowed duration, a student who systematically studies the course can successfully finish the course in a shorter period. Students who study the course under any of our coaching programs can complete the course in 4 semesters (Diploma holders).


The examinations are conducted in every June and December .

Associate Membership Examination (AME)
 Section A
 Section B
 Section A : Total No. of Paper – 9 (9×100) = 900 Marks
 Section B : Total No. of Paper = 18(18×100)=1800 Marks
 Project Work (1×100)=100 Marks
 Total = 2800 Marks
 Minimum Pass Marks Required : 40%

CIIE   conducts Technician Membership Examination (TME (Part I & Part II) equal to Politechnical Engineering Diploma 3years

TME-Who is eligible?

►  Applicants SSLC (10th) with 45% marks /plus two with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics  (le) with 45% marks can apply for TME.

►  Also, Candidates with any educational qualifications equivalent to the above, are eligible to apply for TME.

Technician/Diploma Membership Examination (TME)
  Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 1 : Total No. of Paper – 9 (9×100) = 900 Marks
 Part 2 : Total No. of Paper = 18(18×100)=1800 Marks
 Project Work (1×100)=100 Marks
 Total = 2800 Marks
 Minimum Pass Marks Required : 40%

contact us

For Admission
Mob: +91 9560584101
For Training Center
Mob: +91 833 00 13 909
Kerala & Karnataka
Mob: +91 9447 41 29 23

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